My story with riding began a couple years ago in April 2020. While my husband was shopping around at a motorcycle dealership I spotted a little Ninja 300. I though...hmmm.
So I walked over and decided to sit on it and that's when a light bulb
moment occurred... "Omg this is MY size!". In the past my husband always had huge sport touring bikes like a R1200RT and K1600GT, so I'd never considered my own since I'd assumed all motorcycles were too big for me....until I sat on that Ninja. So I showed him and we talked about the idea of getting me my own bike. After some research I went with a new Kawasaki Z400. He taught me how to ride, then I took/passed the MSF course and the rest is history. 2 years later I've logged 40k miles and discovered a burning passion for taking motorcycle trips all over the country.
I'm not very active on other social media platforms because I feel it can have a tendency to be smoke and mirrors and full of hate or ugliness at times. However, almost immediately after joining Tonit, I realized this place is completely different. It's an actual community with real people and none of the bs. Tonit is full of people that genuinely care, that you can call family and that can all come together and share the same passion harmoniously. Everyone needs a Tonit in their life!